Thursday, September 19, 2013

Blog 2


     In the passage " I know the Truth" By Jeffrey Kluger; states that as humans we have always been suckers for rumors and fabrication of fairy tales. Researchers have only recently conducted a survey to determine how sticky artificial beliefs are and how believing in them would make us free. The study also found that out after a number of tests were performed that at least one rumor was believed more than the others, the entire research was done to determine if the exposure of the facts would change the opinions and if so how would it be presented. As the facts were gathered the researchers came up with a number of conclusions to what would happen if the facts were presented. It was then said that it would be easier to manipulate the truth in order to get what is needed. I agree with author when he says " even when people take the time to learn the facts it does no good", this is because we often contradict ourselves where the truth is concerned.

     Truth is the body of real events or facts; actuality. Knowing some form of truth can be both nerve racking and unsettling for some people. When it come to speaking the truth or finding out what is facts or fiction is like weeding out the good from the bad. For example if someone tells you a story about what happen and you already heard the story from someone else, and the story ends up being totally different to what was said before to you. You now have to decide who was telling the truth and who is not and how you're going to wade through the options. Thus making it difficult to actually differentiate the truth as a whole.

     Finding out the hard facts of the truth or telling the truth is much harder than telling a little white lie. What can a little white lie do. Facts is that when you tell a lie u have to tell another to cover that lie and another and the cycle keeps going on. Some people are so wrapped up in telling lies that they believe it themselves until they can't differentiate what is the truth and what are the lies. For example someone who always wanted to go up in an hot air balloon lying about going in one when they had not ever been in close proximity of a hot air balloon. they are always the one who are the one who are quick to jump a say that they have done the task when in truth  is that fabrication is big in their imagination. Facts is that we don't know why we lie but it was proven to feel better than ones count apart we all lie to feel important. The truth is lies hurt....

Still working on this . Still have to make changes to this !!!

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