Monday, December 9, 2013

Blog 16 Final Project

 Dhal Purri

The  Finished Product

Now let me show you in steps how this was made.


Creating the dough



Getting the Peas ready for the filling

Gives you the same results
Now to put everything together




Now on to the cooking



The finished product before taken off the fire

  • What I have learnt from this project is that as tasty as Dhal Purri is it is a lot of work to get everything together. 
  • Most of the ingredients used were found in my house.  
  • My understanding of this project and the food i choose, have many ways to making them more healthy to fit ones life style.  

The ingredients for this recipe is as follows:
for the filling

  • 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 teaspoon ground cumin
  • 2 cups split peas (dhal)
  • 2 wiri wiri pepper 
  • 1 teaspoon salt
And the dough:

  • 3 cups all purpose flour
  • pinch fast acting yeast
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 2 tablespoon baking powder
  • water 
  • 5 tablespoon vegetable oil

Blog 13

In the passage Nicholas Balakar, argues that children who are exposed to actors who smoke are most likely to start smoking . I both agree and disagree with the author. I believe children or teens start smoking for various reasons. Namely peers, role models, upbringing, exposure to name a few.

Early smokers can be pressured by their fellow peers to start smoking at an early age. Just so that they can fit in with the crowd. For example a group of friends who think their cool smoke and a new friend comes along and wants to join the group, they would force him to start smoking just so he can be friends with them.

Many children look at the rich and famous actor as role models. Meaning that every bit of news they can find out about these actors enlightens them. Where as they find all of their trends they have is cool to participate in. For example my little cousin is obsessed with BeyoncĂ©, that she even bleached her hair to the same color. This goes to show that every trend does not suit every body. The passage stated that not only are children exposed to smoking at an early age but they are also exposed to violent movies. Thus making them susticable to brain washing to make smoking look cool.

Many things can make some one turn to smoking or to drugs. For example the waay how they were brought up. They were never taught how to choose the difference between the good and the bad and the option to choose between doiung the right ting and the wrong. When this happens parent are most often caught up in their own lives and the kids are left to fend for them selves.

The passage also stated that children who had the greatest expoisure were more likely to start smoking

Blog 14

Individuals in Groups

Something happens to individuals when they are in a group. They think and act differently than they would on their own. Most people, if they observe some disaster or danger on their own—a woman being stabbed, a pedestrian slammed by a hit-and-run driver—will at least call for help; many will even risk their own safety to intervene. But if they are in a group observing the same danger, they hold back. The reason has more to do with the nature of groups than the nature of individuals.

In one experiment in behavioral psychology, students were seated in a room, either alone or in groups of three, as a staged emergency occurred: Smoke began pouring through the vents. Students who were on their own usually hesitated a minute, got up, checked the vents and then went out to report what certainly seemed like a fire. But the students who were sitting in groups of three did not move. They sat there for six minutes, with smoke so thick they could barely see, rubbing their eyes and coughing.

In another experiment, psychologists staged a situation in which people overheard a loud crash, a scream and a woman in pain, moaning that her ankle was broken. Seventy percent of those who were alone when the “accident” occurred went to her aid, compared with only 40 percent of those who heard her in the presence of another person.

Psychologists call this “diffusion of responsibility” or “social loafing.” The more people in a group, the lazier each individual in it becomes. Often, observers think nothing needs to be done because someone else has already taken care of it, and the more observers there are, the less likely any one person is to call for help.

Adapted from “In Groups We Shrink” by Carol Tavris. Originally published in the Los Angeles Times, 1991.

Sample Essay Response

People are not the same when they are in a group. A person is smart, responsible, reasonable, and hardworking. A person cares for others and knows his or her moral standing. People are unintelligent, scared, lazy and on looking. People seem to think that it’s always some else’s problem All they can do is watch so thats what they will do. Yes, a person is less likely to act if no one else is acting. Even if it is the moral or professional duty of a person to help or act, they may fail if they feel out numbered.

Carol Tavris says from her “In Groups We Shrink” that, in groups, people have, what Psychologist call, “diffusion of responsibility” or “social loafing.”

Experiments show that students, in a room filling with smoke, would be more likely to call for help if they were alone. This is contrary to the test with multiple students who would sit there and allow the smoke to fill the room. In a real life situation the people who do not act upon smoke is not likely to survive.

This behavior is not restricted to young college or high school students which have little life experience. In a surveillance video of a parking lot, a man was stabbed and then mugged. The assailant escapes leaving the man bleeding. The man gathered enough strength to stumble in front of the traffic going though the parking lot. He might have thought to himself that this would be a fast way to get help. The drivers proved him wrong. Cars would drive around him to avoid him. Perhaps these people did not want to hold up traffic. Each minute wasted is more blood drained. Even a school bus carefully tried to avoid him. The man knelt down hold his arms up with blood on them finally a lone man got out of his car and assisted the man to the hospital. It took almost an hour for someone to decide to help and it was during a gap where the savior was alone with no traffic behind him and no passenger.

At the hospital one could be treated for whatever ailments one may have. That is why the stab victim wanted to go so badly. But even at the hospital there is no guarantee. At one New York City hospital, a elderly woman collapsed due to a heart condition in the lobby. All the people waiting watched as she hit the floor. However they returned to whatever they were doing. Minutes go by and activity around her remained normal. Doctors were seen walking passed and then disappearing past the camera. Almost an hour passes and finally a guard is seen feeling her pulse. After ten minutes a stretcher comes to take her away. What took so long? Whatever the case may be the assured thought was that some else must be handling it.

There are cases of individuals who would help despite other people. But the general masses are always onlookers. As seen, students seem to disregard their own life from laziness. Even adults and professionals are guilty of this. This is the nature of people. That is why there are heroes in the world. There needs to be balance.

Blog 15

Walter Ewing argues that undocumented immigrants contribute to the US economy. He also argues that they make up a wide variety of our labour  force. He also states that they contribute to the percentile which supports our economy.

They are many reasons why people come to reside in a country without any proper paper. For example they want a change of how they were living to a better life for their children and themselves. Thus they leave where they were almost surviving to come to a different place.

As immigrants they do all the dirty work that the citizens won't do. Most of the time the work has to be done and contractors are willing to get it done . '' Even though they have not the papers to work or be here they are always willing to work in order to support their families. Thus doing so they end up paying taxes which they can never gain from.

According to the passage undocumented immigrants is a symptom of an immigration system that  is broken. Yes a broken system which keeps the country afloat. Without the undocumented they would be a lot of jobs that nobody wants to do . Also they would be less spending so they contribution to the economy would  lessen thus making it harder on the Americans. I think the government should have form of leniency to the undocumented who is working and paying taxes.

They say immigrants are coming  here make the country look bad if they are allowed to stay without papers. But when they are here the contribute more than is expected to our economy. Why? Because they are always purchasing stuff to send home for their families.

Survey was shown out of all the Americans and the undocumented who spends the more money and it was proven that the undocumented spent the most. This is because they were never exposed to as much and they would long to have what they never did.

Still working on this

Blog 11 Mid Term Reflection

So far I have written ten blog entries, and I’m looking forward to write more as I begin to improve. The most favorite of my blogs I have written so far is blog entry six. The Truman show, I quite enjoy witting about how people enjoy manipulating people to get what they needed and having no regards or feeling what so ever. The show begins with Truman being born and being filmed, why would someone want to see a child birth. As Truman grows he finds happiness hanging with his friends and so forth. Manipulation is a dangerous game and one should not play it on others for they are bound to get caught up.
The activities that are done in class are to help promote and improve my writing skills thus making me ready for Eng 101. I must admit I was not to keen about having to do a blog as it was new to me. I was unsure how my class mates would appreciate my writing for I have always had a different way of writing from most. But after all I did my best and it proved to be good.
I was standoffish when I first started the class because I felt cheated that I could not do ENG 101 but had to do Eng 99 instead. So in order to get where I wanted to be I buckled down and practiced doing the CAT-W exercises which pointed out my weak point which I am now glad it did.

blog 10 correction made

In the article "The Dangers of Reality TV” Timothy Sexton argues that reality TV is bad for us, one of the many reason is that reality TV prefers one to make a fool of one’s self than to be educated. How can education be unimportant in the world of reality TV? I for one agree with the author when he says the most dangerous message of all is that education is completely necessary to fulfill the American dream. I however think that to succeed at one’s own dream, you have to be grounded and have some form of education in order to succeed.
  Firstly Education is the key to success. Without any form of education you are nothing. I was always told that education can open many door, so why would you choose to live without it. For example you dress to kill for an interview and you are looking sharp, then you are asked a question and you say a bunch of nonsense comes out of your mouth. That goes to show that you can look as sharp as a tack but when you open your mouth you can sound dumber than a few light bulbs short of a chandelier
   Secondly according to the passage education is completely necessary. How can education not be compulsory? Only a few have been known to succeed without an education. For example Steve Jobs, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates etc. were able to make it in the world without a degree and succeed. From a personal stand point my mom has her own business and yet she never finished high school. Could I or would I be as lucky as her? I am not taking any chances as I push forward towards a better life with an education. As a child I was always told it is better to walk for something than sit down for nothing.
    The passage also mention that in school we are faced with difficulties of learning, when there is a much easier way to make fast money. A fool and his money shall soon part, meaning that no matter how much money you have if you don't have the ability to manage it you will lose it faster than you can count it. So that brings me back to the topic of education is necessary in life. Only a few have succeeded without education.
   In conclusion count yourself lucky that you can afford an education. Education is necessary for one to be able to succeed in life.

Still working on this