The Allegory the Cave
The Allegory is about how different life is for each of us. It goes to show that we must not judge others , when you think you are in a bad situation someone else is in a worst situation than you. Blessing are not to be taken lightly. How can you know about another world without coming out your bubble and explore. According to the passage " one of the prisoners escaped to find out that everything he know was a lie." This goes to show how naive people can become if not exposed. Exposure is necessary in order to be educated and enlightened meaning we must walk before we can run. According to the passage " when the prisoner would leave the cave for the first time he would be blinded by the sun." Getting accustom to new surroundings are never easy, it always come with a challenge of some sort. There is a guyanese proverbs that say that "you must kiss ass before you can kick ass" meaning you wouldn't always be new, you will learn and grow with experience.
I am not where I would like to be in my life but I am thankful for my blessing. I am where god wants me to be. Being a foreigner to this land have thought me that we as foreigners are not the same privileges but are given the chance to prove that we are just as good. So here i am taking my chance at a given opportunity and putting my best foot forward and make the best of it. As much as a change it is from back home I intend to embrace my future with an open mind and push until I succeed and accomplish my goals. There is no stopping full steam ahead...
need to recheck still working